Fake: noun, anything made to appear otherwise than it actually is; counterfeit. Last I checked, real friends shouldn't be stabbing eachother in the back. What also comes to mind is: mind your own business. I find that if my name is not directly involved in a given situation, I won't be the first one to stick my nose in the conversation and/or business of others where I know it doesn't belong. I am so tired of girls running their mouths when they have no idea what they're talking about. Lying and talking badly about your so-called friends isn't attractive. In fact, it's everything but. It's ugly. Not to mention, when you're pretty strapped for people to befriend you, it's not exactly the kind of motives that make you a company magnet. All I know right now is that I have to choose my friends wisely and make sure that I treat everyone with respect and kindness so that no one has a bad thing to say about me. I've always wanted to be that sweet girl that everyone loves to be around. Some people say I am, but I've always been kind of known to be on the bitchy side. Let's switch it uppppp.
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